Hello :)


I am sure most of you already know me, but if not I am Kinslee. Most of my friends call me “Kins” or “Kiki”. I am 23 and I live in Mississippi. I am currently still in school and working part time at a veterinary clinic close to home. I graduated Itawamba Community College with an associates degree then attended Ole Miss for two years (not sure on what career path I wanted to take while I was attending both colleges) but now I am currently taking classes at NEMCC to obtain a degree in Dental Hygiene. I own an adorable white Pomeranian named Jeter:) My friends and family play a huge roll in my life and I could not be more blessed.

Perfectly Imperfect is my way of sharing my life and reminding everyone that we are all perfectly imperfect in our own way. I plan to share my everyday imperfect life, random tips and tricks, beauty secrets, past mistakes I have learned from etc.. I hope to show my followers through this blog that no one in this world is perfect no matter how perfect someone’s life may seem. My life has never been perfect, my attitude and mindset at times will be far from perfect, my hair and makeup will be a mess some days (almost everyday lol) and most of all my body weight is my top insecurity I battle with daily. —Just to make it known starting a blog was honestly the last thing on my list of things to do for several reasons, but it’s summer so let me entertain you with my blogging skills:)